Melissa is a visionary, entrepreneur, homemaker, and Wyld Beauty Guide.

Wyld Beauty is the term she’s coined for her unique work that acknowledges that we are divinity (spirit), within a human body (earth), and is based on the premise of “As Within, So Without”, navigating both the grounded and practical of the physical realm, as well as the magic and mystery of the ethereal realms.

Through simple + timeless medicine, bridging many modalities and traditions together, as well as her unique spiritual gifts, she creates spaces, experiences, and offerings to evoke a “remembrance” of who we truly are. She helps those she works with tap into the limitless potential that exists in this universe, and realize the powerful co-creators that they already are; so that they can create a life that feels pure, bright, and full of aliveness and magic....

A life that feels like home.

Connect with me, your Abundant Babes host, on Instagram @violahug, Facebook @violahug, and join my free Facebook community, Abundant Babes - a home for the visionary, grab a copy of my #1 New Release book, You are an Abundant Babe, on Amazon or Book Depository and learn more about me and how to work and coach with me on my website

V xx

Melissa is a visionary, entrepreneur, homemaker, and Wyld Beauty Guide.

Wyld Beauty is the term she’s coined for her unique work that acknowledges that we are divinity (spirit), within a human body (earth), and is based on the premise of “As Within, So Without”, navigating both the grounded and practical of the physical realm, as well as the magic and mystery of the ethereal realms.

Through simple + timeless medicine, bridging many modalities and traditions together, as well as her unique spiritual gifts, she creates spaces, experiences, and offerings to evoke a “remembrance” of who we truly are. She helps those she works with tap into the limitless potential that exists in this universe, and realize the powerful co-creators that they already are; so that they can create a life that feels pure, bright, and full of aliveness and magic….

A life that feels like home.

Connect with me, your Abundant Babes host, on Instagram @violahugFacebook @violahug, and join my free Facebook community, Abundant Babes – a home for the visionary, grab a copy of my #1 New Release book, You are an Abundant Babe, on Amazon or Book Depository and learn more about me and how to work and coach with me on my website

V xx