30 years ago Randy Olson and “Cultural Liaison” Ed Leydecker filmed, “Salt of the Earth: A Journey to the Heart of Maine Lobster Fishermen,” with Brian, Stevie, and Steve Robbins, Sr. Last year Stevie passed away at age 76. This is a conversation with Brian, Ed and Randy talking about lobster fishing, bridging cultures, and trust.

BACKGROUND ON ED’S T.G.A.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient_global_amnesia

LOBSTAHS VIDEO (1990): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52RPYJIMwh0

WEBSITE: http://saltthemovie.org

MOST IMPORTANT CLIP TO VIEW: http://www.saltthemovie.org/videos/b1.mov

Randy Olson


Randy's Blog: http://scienceneedsstory.com​

Learn more about the ABT Framework Course: http://storycirclestraining.com/

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