Previous Episode: 1- Exploring an Empath

This podcast/video will be a continuation of the first, I will be trying my best to explain what it feels like to be an empath and also briefly talking about the affects the narcissist had on me, which I will be expanding on in a later video, please do understand that much of what we go through especially those that lack confidence and trust In themselves may find it hard to express or share with you. It is important within society that we learn to be accepting and that doesn’t mean we have to join or indulge in said acceptance but your only duty and person to mould and shape should be yourself anyone else is an individual in there own right and should therefore be treated as such. It can cause an individual much harm if forced to withhold aspects of themselves from others but especially from themselves. (P.s I’m not discussing children here) but still they are individuals as well. Much love Annie x