Our guest this week on the Absolutely Write podcast is Harsh Shah, Co-founder Fynd - India's largest omnichannel retail platform. Fynd works with over 600 brands across 10,000 stores, bridging the online-offline gap. At Fynd, Harsh manages sales, business development and oversees growth of their omnichannel products. Harsh has been running Fynd for over 9 years, before which he was a management consultant, after his engineering at IIT Bombay.

Harsh completed his graduation from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, in 2010 and was already part of the entrepreneurship landscape by his second year of college. As the Head of the Entrepreneurship Cell at IIT Bombay, he directed a team of twenty students.
Currently based out of Mumbai, Fynd is successfully disrupting the fashion market by combining technology and retail.

Aditi analyses Harsh's handwriting and talks about his resilience and his ability to be an empathetic leader. Harsh talks about the journey of FYND - From a Google-backed company to being acquired by Reliance. He shares 3 important life lessons we must keep in mind.