Our guest this week on the Absolutely Write podcast is Daisy Tanwani, Founder, CEO and Creative Head of Pinklay. Being an avid
traveller, Daisy realized that the best Indian handicrafts were being exported, and not easily available to Indians. With a mission to revive the unparalleled aesthetic of the Indian artisanal work, and make it accessible to Indians, Daisy decided to pursue her dream of starting Pinklay in December 2015. 

Her passion for creating and building, her love for animals, and her grit to acknowledge her strengths as a woman leader, resonates with her brand. She believes, as a woman, one is wired differently. But different doesn’t mean inadequate. Through Pinklay, she wants to urge women to stay connected with their gender and lead.

Daisy's mantra for an impact-making life is “To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people, and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded.” Daisy believes that one must trust oneself with their dreams, for castles are not built overnight.

Aditi analyses Daisy's handwriting and talks about some interesting aspects of her personality including what makes her a successful entrepreneur. Daisy shares some behind-the-scenes stories of her life and what makes her a fierce and independent leader. She shares some brilliant takeaways and learnings which would change your perspective on funding and taking risks. Keep a notepad handy to make notes. 

Tune in to this engaging episode on Apple podcast, Spotify, JioSaavn, Amazon Music or any other major audio platform across the globe.