Today’s episode is a real time exercise that you can use to shift your inner world.   This exercise is all about experiencing how much the way we think and talk about ourselves and our lives effects the way our external world plays out and also the way we feel on the inside, happiness and inner peace starts in the mind but usually it takes work to get there, and this is the perfect way to start teaching yourself how to positively change your life from the inside out.   This exercise will confidently teach you how to shift your inner world into a more positive place by being self aware, and disciplined with yourself for the next 24 hours, and I can’t wait to hear what shifts for you all!         I would be so grateful if you could please share this episode with your friends and on your Instagram stories!  And if you are loving the podcast I would be SO grateful if you could review it, this is what helps the show to grow 😃   Links/Resources     Get The About That Program! : This is my exact formula I used to completely heal the relationship I had with myself, learn how to navigate my own mind and use it to my advantage and to manifest my dream life into reality! This is full blown guide into the world of Personal Development and take you on your own journey of accessing your subconscious, to set you up to live a life better than you could ever imagine. Find out more:   Follow me on Instagram: