Social media’s ablaze over Who is the Bad Art Friend, aka “the kidney story,” the New York Times Magazine long read chronicling a very extra saga about live kidney donation, friendship, white saviours, allegations of plagiarism, artistic license and, horror of horrors — the publication of group chat texts.

If you’re wondering whether to read the 9,500-plus word piece, rest easy, BL + BW have done the heavy lifting and happily unpack the entrails for you.

Twenty years after the release of Mariah Carey’s Glitter, we’re taking another look at the infamous box office flop and asking, did the critics really get it right back then, or do the haters need to GTFO? With Maria Lewis, ACMI assistant curator, author and Mariah Carey superlamb.

Also: what’s the connection between anti-vax protests in New York City and Australia? And what’s next for Britney Spears now that her father Jamie’s been suspended from her conservatorship?

Show notes:

Who’s The Bad Art Friend?:

ACMI Glitter watch party:

Crowds of anti-vaccine protesters chant 'save Australia' during rally in New York: