In this episode we discuss an article published in Urban Education and written by the prestigious Kevin Andrews, Michael Hemphill, Victoria Schriver, Karen Lux Gaudreault, and our very own podcast brother Dr. Victor Ramsey.  The title of the article is Teaching Physical Education in an Urban Intensive Environment.  Also joining Drs. Seymour and Ramsey is fellow co-author Kevin A. Richards.  Dr. Richards is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community  Health  at  the  University  of  Illinois  at  Urbana-Champaign.

R. Richards, K. A., Hemphill, M. A., Shiver, V. N., Gaudreault, K. L., & Ramsey, V. (2020). Teaching physical education in an urban intensive environment. Urban Education, 004208592092301.