We really want to experiment with the format of this conversational show, and this week our co-host Jacob Patterson sits down for a conversation with two team members. Art Director Dino Nama and Real Talk Research Assistant Madelyn Flores listed a bunch of questions they put together after listening to prior shows and looking over some Think Tank exhibits. Patterson does a hell of a job stumbling through them and only answers like 5% of them in an hour... we also provide a little context for who Think Tank is and where we currently stand in the scheme of things. Enjoy this "behind the scenes" episode and let us know what you think!


0:00- Intro 


1:23 - Reflecting on the podcast


2:40 - Jessica Bley 



3:40 - Jacob gets into detail of how he got into the art world


6:15 - Transition to podcast questions 


7:27 - When the Think Tank gallery was originally created what was the initial vision for the gallery? has that vision shifted along the way?


7:50 - John kennamann


8:50 - http://breweryartwalk.com


9:20 - https://www.youtube.com/user/swoozie06


11:48 - Adam Bowden: http://instagram.com/adambodenphotography



12:10 - https://www.youtube.com/user/ThinkTankCollective


12:45 - Putting go pros on couches and throwing them off roofs


12:15 - Sarah Penna’s Instagram and Twitter @sarah_penna


15:00 - Jacob explains what the Think Tank Gallery has become


15:40 - Where do you guys see the Think Tank Gallery at in 1 or 2 years? Has the gallery had a steady growth or has there been some set backs along the way? If so, how did you guys knock out those set backs?


16:03 - Jacob under threat of being arrested and went to court for an event




18:25 - Head butting a police captain 


21:48 - What is your PR strategy moving forward?


22:50 - Moving out of the current Think Tank Gallery location


23:00 - http://nightonbroadway.la


25:05 - What are you guys defined by? 


26:07 - If the Think Tank Gallery has to move locations, what does that mean for you guys?


28:40 - Tune into episode 8 for more on Andrew McGregor and his inspirational missions



29:28 - Looking back at episode 1 with Matt Dorado is it possible to make an event or production too simple? What critical details need to be paid attention to in every podcast?


Matt Dorado: www.thedrunkendevil.com


30:00 - What builds a Think Tank production now?


32:45 - Knowing the basics of what can shut down a production


34:00 - What are the philosophies in your life, do they relate to Andrew McGregor’s (episode 8)?



36:08 - The idea of an employer vs an employee


37:42 - How does the gallery balance taking on multiple projects at the same time; do you have any tips for the listeners?


38:45 - Separating what is urgent and what is important


41:46 - “The important things can get done before everyone wakes up or after everyone leaves the office.”


44:00 - How have you seen the podcast progress in both technical and artistic terms up to this point?


46:40 - Seth Goden https://twitter.com/ThisIsSethsBlog



The Time Ferriss Show Ep #177 with Seth Godin



49:00 - How have you focused your energy after the presidential election? Do you mix politics with your work at Think Tank Gallery?


50:50 - The Think Tank stepping out and not being afraid to say things that need to be said


54:45 - The desert with Scott Hove and mushroom trips (hear the full story on episode 


55:15 - Kiran Gandhi:






55:26 - In what ways have you as directors had to exhibit improv skills similar to Jackie’s from Traphouse?




57:30 - Jacobs thoughts on having content before sharing and letting it exemplify what it is you do; not gunning for that big break unless its there.


1:02:11 - Next event at Think Tank Gallery Drinkin' Smokin' & West Coastin’ 3/18-4/20 stay updated at http://www.thinktankgallery.org


Where you can find Jacob Patterson:





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