Kristen Ghodsee reads the third part of Alexandra Kollontai's 1916 essay, "Working Woman and Mother," and discusses reform vs. revolution.

Upcoming events - Second World, Second Sex. Socialist Women’s Global Solidarity in the Cold War


France 24 English, “Women Under Socialism: A Better Emancipation,” October 6, 2021Second Life Book Club, “Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism,” September 9, 2021 


Judit Bertan, “Kristen R. Ghodsee: "A las aplicaciones de citas no les interesa que tengas buen sexo" La Provincia, October 11, 2021Guiseppe Pavino, “"El socialisme d’estat va ser terrible en algunes coses, però beneficiós en d’altres,” La Directa, October 7, 2021Emma Pons Valls, “"Als països socialistes les relacions personals eren millors: era una manera de viure diferent", October 4, 2021Sílvia Marimon Molas, “Kristen Ghodsee: "Las parejas que comparten la crianza de los hijos tienen mejores relaciones sexuales"“ Ara, October 2, 2021Xavi Ayén, ¿Tienen las mujeres mejor sexo bajo el socialismo?, La Vanguardia, September 30, 2021Sandra Vicente,

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