Stories are powerful.  Every culture at all places at all times have stories.  Stories are powerful because our lives are stories.

Many stories, like Star Wars, have a common formula that Joseph Campbell outlines in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

Campbell outlines about 20 plot points, but I just want to highlight a few:  

Ordinary person (the hero) living an ordinary life receives a call to adventure into an extraordinary worldRefuses the callCrossing the thresholdGiven Supernatural aidRoad of trialsUpon victory, blessing is bestowed upon the others

This same formula can be followed in the Lord of the Rings, Lion King, Harry Potter, the Karate Kid, Aladdin, the Hunger Games, Captain America, or really any of the Avengers origin stories.

This is all interesting, but it gets far more interesting when we apply the hero's journey to our own lives.  As Christians, the hero's journey is God's plan for humanity.

Links Mentioned:I first heard of the hero's journey from the Super Carlin Brothers.  Click here to check out their take.Survey: What would you like to hear on this podcast?Follow Us:Work With ChadGet Your Free TalkTo connect with me, feel free to reach out with questions or to schedule a complementary coaching session: [email protected]