Olivia Mendoza is a breath work facilitator, a women’s circle holder, an intuitive artist. She’s also a self-healer and a proud sober warrior. 

I met Olivia last fall at a retreat we both attended in England. The first circle we had, Olivia was sitting right next to me and I remember her crying the whole time. Then there was a second day when she didn’t cry at all, but was quietly observing. Then I heard her story and I was obsessed with everything about Olivia! 

Olivia’s story of a challenging upbringing, her journey to sobriety and self-compassion will inspire you more than you know. 

Please check out her offerings, especially the upcoming “Breathwork Bubble” that will sure transform your life for the better. 

Breathwork Bubble starting mid April: https://mailchi.mp/ff24b3ceef93/virtualbreathworkbubble

Work with Olivia: https://oliviafelicemendoza.com/offerings/

Follow Olivia on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oliviamendoza_healing/

Second Spring Sessions with Kit Yoon: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17420239&appointmentType=60320722

Other ways to work with Kit: https://kityoon.com/work-with-me/