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Today's episode is a twofer. That's right, two tales of internal network pentest pwnage. Whoop whoop! We cover:

What the SDAD (Single Domain Admin Dance) and DDAD (Double Domain Admin Dance) are (spoiler: imagine your dad trying to dance's like that, but more awkward)

A good way to quickly find domain controllers in your environment: nslookup -type=SRV _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.YOURDOMAIN.SUFFIX

This handy script runs nmap against subnets, then Eyewitness, then emails the results to you

Early in the engagement I'd highly recommend checking for Kerberoastable accounts

I really like Multirelay to help me pass hashes, like: -t -u bob.admin Administrator yourmoms.admin

Once you get a shell, run dump to dump hashes!

Then, use CME to pass that hash around the network!

crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H YOUR-HASH-GOES-HERE --local auth

Then, check out this article to use NPS and get a full-featured shell on your targets