Last week, we learned TOP storytelling secrets from Hollywood LEGEND, Michael Hauge…

Towards the end of the interview, I did something that I was scared to do:

I asked the story master himself if he’d be willing to give feedback on my story LIVE on the podcast recording.

Not only did he say “yes” and work some Hollywood magic on my story...

But after we finished recording, he told me that if I implemented his feedback, he would come back AGAIN to help take the story to the next level.

So I did.

And one month later, we recorded this episode where you’ll get a true sneak peek of how brilliant Michael is with storytelling…

… and learn some of the finer nuances of what he does to really level up a story once there’s a solid foundation set.

You’ll learn things like:
1. Why the primary goal of storytelling is to elicit emotion…
2. The two ways you can create more emotion in your stories
3. How to build suspense with your stories to make more impact
