
What do the five names below all have in common? 👇

Will Smith. Morgan Freeman. Julia Roberts. Tom Cruise. Alec Baldwin.

Yes, they are all movie stars…

But here’s what they also share:

They all have been impacted by Michael Hauge.

Michael has been one of Hollywood’s top story experts since 1985.

He’s coached screenwriters, producers, stars, and directors on projects for every major studio and network…

And today, you and I get to hang out with him.

In today’s episode, you will...
1. Learn how ONE “just for fun” project led to Michael working with Will Smith and having 9+ figure entrepreneurs pursue HIM for advice

2. Discover Michael’s Storytelling Made Easy framework based on his work in Hollywood that YOU can use to increase your impact and profits by telling more effective stories

3. Hear Michael give feedback on MY story… and see inside the mind of the Hollywood storytelling legend

Enjoy this awesome episode with the legend, Michael Hauge!