Imagine if there was a magic machine that empowered you to clone yourself.

Two of your brains floating around… getting important stuff done more efficiently so that you can spend more time doing what you love.

While there is no such machine that exists, today’s guest can show you a close alternative:

An Executive Assistant.

Now wait:

Before you say, “I’ve heard this thing about EAs and outsourcing…” give me a sec.

Before starting his own company, Pro Assisting, Ethan had an impressive career as an EA himself.

As an EA, he worked with Hollywood celebrities, the Chairman of USA Films, and even served as the director of administrative services and senior executive assistant to the CEO of Rochester Regional Health.

So when we talk about an EA, we’re talking about HIGH level EAs that command solid six-figure salaries.

In this episode, we dive deep into how to develop a relationship with a high-caliber EA, and how this could be one of the greatest ways to simplify yet amplify your life.

To learn more about Ethan, visit

Key Takeaways:

[0:51] – Introducing Ethan Bull
[3:40] – Ethan shares the story of a robbery during the production of a film he worked on
[7:06] – Ethan's journey in the world of hospitality
[15:16] – The raspberry jam story and its connection to hospitality
[22:51] - How to become an effective executive assistant
[26:18] – Why you need to have an executive assistant
[30:55] – Overcoming trust issues and improving the working relationship
[39:16] – Why you must treat your executive assistant as a business partner
[43:42] – What is a chief staff and its interconnection to an EA?
[55:11] – What does curiosity mean for Ethan?

The 29-Hour Work Day: A High Performer’s Guide to Leveraging Your EA - 

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