Today I’m excited to introduce you to someone I’ve known for 7+ years…

Kyle Gray.

Kyle believes that part of his life’s work is to solve the “human resource crisis” — to help more people step into their genius and share their gifts with the world.

The way he’s doing this?


In this episode, you will learn:
- The 3 lifecycle stages of stories: Discover the "too soon," "sweet spot," and "too old" phases and how to harness the energy of your stories for maximum impact.
- How to craft powerful origin stories: Learn the 3-act play structure and how to infuse your stories with emotional depth to create human connections and build trust.
- How to unleash your genius leveraging questions and effective stories.

Also as a cool “Behind The Scenes” thing…

Kyle jumped in and coached me on MY new origin story that I’m working on…

You’ll get to hear Kyle’s process at work in real time… and I’m SO happy with the way things are heading!

To learn more about Kyle, visit

Key Takeaways:

[2:29] – Introducing Kyle Gray 
[5:34] – Kyle talks about his purpose and how it is connected with the human resources crisis
[9:15] – The correlation between the human resources crisis and compelling storytelling
[20:12] – The life cycles of stories and how they evolve
[24:05] – How to tell if a story is "expired"
[27:53] – The biggest misconceptions about & the importance of your origin story
[35:17] – The 3-act play structure and how it can help you tell more effective stories
[40:44] – Kyle narrates his version of Brandon’s origin story
[46:22] – Brandon telling his own origin story... and Kyle's feedback on it
[1:02:03] – Kyle’s definition of being "Beyond Curious"

The College Entrepreneur: How to leverage your university to build a business, escape the rat race and live life on your terms. -
Selling With Story: How To Use Storytelling To Become An Authority, Boost Sales, And Win The Hearts And Minds Of Your Audience –
The Story Engine: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Content Strategy and Brand Storytelling Without Spending All Day Writing – 

Kyle Gray’s Socials: