You know how sometimes that “voice” in your head isn’t that… nice?
- Maybe you compare yourself to others…
- Maybe you had a bad experience that turned into a negative story that plays in a loop…
- Maybe you “should” all over yourself…

Here’s why I’m bringing it up:

Today’s guest is my good friend, Laura Jack.

She’s the founder of the Compassion Code Academy.

And as the name suggests, all of her content is centered around how to have more compassionate communication… both with yourself and others.

So if you’re like many of the entrepreneur friends that I have that are very hard on themselves… this episode is for you.

Not only will you learn how to transform negative narratives causing you to be unhappy, but you’ll also learn how to transform the relationships around you.

To learn more about Laura, visit

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] – Introducing Laura[5:13] – Laura shares the story that almost got her & her mother into an accident[13:55] – How Laura's ability to reframe stories and situations has changed her life[19:33] – How to identify and rewrite the negative stories that unconsciously affect your life[24:52] - Using conscious language and naming to improve your mindset and behavior[28:00] – Why triggers can actually be a good thing[36:51] – The well-known technique Laura uses to study herself[41:55] – How to leverage curiosity to connect deeper with others[53:27] – Self-compassion vs. self-esteem[1:00:15] – What does happiness mean for Laura?
Resources:Books:The Compassion Code: How To Say the Right Thing When the Wrong Thing Happens by Laura Jack -
Conscious Language: The Logos of Now ~ The Discovery, Code, and Upgrade To Our New Conscious Human Operating System by Robert Tennyson Stevens - Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy by Mo Gawdat - Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff - 
Laura Jack’s Socials:Website: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Get The Compassion Code Starter Guide here for FREE! 
The Compassion Code Academy:Website: