After doing my annual 2022 "year review" I found out that I read 51 books, recorded 63 podcast episodes, and took 26 courses.

10x Is Easier Than 2x was one of the best books I read… and has led to a massive upgrade in the way that I’m approaching life.

I was incredibly grateful that Ben sent me an early release copy… and I’ve been SO excited for the book to come out for others to read it.

The book is finally out now, and of course I had Ben on to talk about it.


This is the FIRST interview episode of Beyond Curious™, and that was incredibly intentional.

Beyond Curious™ is absolutely my next “10x” and has required me to massively upgrade my identity and mindset.

If you’ve listened to the show, you know that one of my favorite quotes is by Michelangelo when he was speaking about how he sculpted the David — “I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free”.

I believe that life is about subtracting what doesn’t belong so that you can build a life around the most authentic version of yourself.

That is the premise of this entire book — 10X is fundamentally about quality vs quantity.

If you really want to evolve every component of your life, it requires radical simplification, and then expansion of the simplification.

If you want to radically upgrade your identity and simplify your life while getting more results… this is for you.

To learn more about Ben Hardy, visit

Key Takeaways: 

[00:00:00] Introducing Dr. Benjamin Hardy

[00:05:28] Ben shares his journey towards becoming an author and collaborating with Dan Sullivan.

[00:10:43] Ben describes how Michelangelo's constant mastery of his work inspired him to write about it in the intro of 10x Is Easier Than 2x.

[00:16:10] Ben talks about Dan Sullivan's creation of two types of thinking: 2X linear and 10X exponential. He explains how to achieve seemingly impossible goals by doing less, not more.

[00:23:06] Ben explains how our narrative of the past and future can influence our present. He describes how we can reshape the meaning of past traumatic experiences based on our current knowledge, as well as healing our inner child regardless of our age.

[00:29:26] Brandon shares how he implemented Ben's concepts and tracks his goals and progress with a spreadsheet. 

[00:40:48] Ben shares the idea of stripping away external needs for true freedom, where 10X is a want, not a need.

[00:46:09] Ben elaborates on balancing commitment and flexibility to achieve your future self. He shares Robert Keegan's model showing that our past commitments and beliefs often go against what we want in the future.

[01:04:56] Ben describes how busyness and distraction can hinder personal transformation. He emphasizes the importance of removing low-level inputs and creating space for growth through deep thinking and learning.

[01:12:10] Ben encourages listeners to identify their 10X and focus on the 20%, letting go of the 80% to create a better life.