What if you had the power to NEVER lose a customer again?

Think about it:

How much time, energy, and effort do you put into GETTING a new customer?

Significantly less people decide to focus on how to KEEP a customer… which is actually where the lifetime value of your customer lies!

Today, we dive deep into exactly how to do that with THE expert on this topic, Joey Coleman.

People who implement Joey’s methods often lead to an increase in profits by 25-100%.

Now you can do the same!

To find out more about Joey, go to https://7figuremillennials.com/podcast/joey-coleman/

Key Takeaways:
[0:49] Introducing Joey Coleman
[5:52] Joey shares two customer experience stories
[15:15] The difference between customer experience and customer service
[17:02] Joey explains the cost of losing a customer and the benefits of keeping one
[21:59] Why Joey believes the first 100 days are crucial for customer retention
[30:28] Joey shares a story of the $35,000 golf ball
[37:12] Joey’s philosophy on writing a thank you note
[39:44] Joey’s advice on getting a new customer
[42:38] Why does memorializing an experience with an artifact matter?
[49:39] Joey explains why it’s crucial to design things that is FOR the customer
[51:50] How to you ask for referrals at the right time