Louis Christopher is a leading real estate economist, data analyst, and forecaster. He is the founder of SQM Research, a property market research company.

Louis is known for his annual Boom and Bust Report, which provides insights and forecasts for the Australian housing market.

0:00:00 - Reserve Bank of Australia's decision
0:04:09 - Louis Christopher's forecast for housing markets
0:07:47 - Positive outlook for Adelaide
0:09:10 - Discussion on migration's impact on prices and unemployment
0:13:20 - Prediction of one-year housing market downturn
0:13:43 - Possibility of interest rate cut next year
0:13:55 - Potential impact of events in the Middle East and global economy  on interest rates
0:15:43 - The individuals who benefit from rising interest rates and housing prices increase
0:18:10 - Why wealthy individuals contribute to inflation
0:20:42 - Negative retail spending can lead to economic recession
0:23:05 - Rental shortage expected to continue, building approvals falling

Get the full Boom & Bust Report from SQM Research

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