You can heal your trauma.

Whether your trauma is unprocessed or you're using it to fuel you, you can heal and live in a place of contentment, joy, and peace, where you create healthy relationships and success in business.

Faith Jones not only healed her trauma but overcame it to go from surviving to thriving.

Faith Jones is a lawyer, activist, entrepreneur, and business advisor. She began her career as an attorney with Skadden Arps representing clients in a wide variety of cross-border corporate transactions and has worked with businesses and government leaders in the Pacific Rim. Faith has been a featured TEDx speaker, has traveled the world, and has done humanitarian aid work in Kazakhstan, Japan, and Taiwan. Her memoir, Sex Cult Nun, is out on November 30th from William Morrow.

In this episode, Faith shares her story and how she overcame it all.

Listen to this episode and learn about:

Faith giving credit and thanks to God (6:20)How to remain committed through adverse times (10:30)Trauma and its ties to wisdom (13:28)Measuring your impact (23:02)Processing trauma (29:51)Owning yourself (35:36)The power of stories (37:44)You're not alone, you can heal (44:37)


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