Welcome to another insightful episode of 'Gratitude Through Hard Times,' where we explore the profound impact of emotional intelligence in leadership and its role in fostering meaningful connections within the workplace. I'm thrilled to introduce our esteemed guest today, Cinzia Beretta, a true trailblazer in the world of global communications and people operations.

With over two decades of experience, Cinzia has not only honed her expertise in culture, employee engagement, talent growth, and leadership development, but she has also become a champion of emotional intelligence. Her passion for her Italian heritage and her remarkable journey within a multinational American company have provided her with a unique perspective on the power of EQ.

In this episode, we have the privilege of delving into Cinzia's wealth of experience and wisdom. She will share practical insights on how to leverage emotional intelligence to transform leadership styles and achieve remarkable results. Cinzia's approach is grounded in authenticity, empathy, and self-awareness — key pillars of EQ that can revolutionize the way we connect with others.

In a world where the dynamics of workplaces are constantly evolving, Cinzia's insights remind us of the timeless value of emotional intelligence. By embracing these principles, we can navigate challenges, nurture genuine connections, and pave the way for exceptional personal and professional growth.


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Click hereto hear more fascinating conversations with Fortune 500 CEOs, professional athletes and entertainerswho have shared their human stories on Gratitude Through Hard Times.



Importance of Connection: Gratitude, empathy, and human connection in the workplace for meaningful interactions.

Workplace Challenges: Addressing disengagement crisis and loneliness epidemic, advocating for authentic connections.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Introduction of EQ as a solution for better relationships, based on the EQ I 2.0 model.

Mindset Shift: Emphasizing present moment awareness, acknowledging emotions, and demonstrating empathy in leadership.

EQ I 2.0 Model: Overview of the five key areas - self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal relationships, decision-making, stress management.

Living in the Present: Discussion on the value of being present, fostering authentic interactions and connections.

EQ and Leadership: Exploring EQ's role in effective leadership and building meaningful workplace relationships.

EQ and Well-Being: Linking EQ to personal well-being and improved performance, leading to a positive outlook.

Practicing EQ: Encouragement to actively develop emotional intelligence, cultivate empathy, and create genuine connections.



"We have a disengagement crisis. We have a loneliness epidemic and the principles you'll hear today help solve that pressing issue.""This is a podcast series around the importance of gratitude, empathy, and human connection to create meaningful moments of connection within your workplace.""The great news about what Cinzia has just said to build your emotional intelligence muscle. The good news is that you don't have to be born with emotional intelligence. It can be developed over time.""We have record low stakeholder engagement levels within the workplace and that creates record high stress and depression levels amongst our teams.""The need to create meaningful moments of human connection within the workplace is greater now than ever before.""If you're not living in the present moment, how can you authentically react, relate, connect, or serve authentically?""We are wired to react emotionally first and then we move on to rationalize them.""You have all the answers so you are empowering this person to find their own way. You're just walking next to them.""Emotional intelligence might be expressed and shown like all emotions in different ways across the world because of different cultures, diversity.""Acknowledging the emotions of others, that's developing empathy, that's understanding the feelings and perspectives of those you serve."



Cinzia Beretta is a multicultural global leader living in Italy. She is passionate about diversity, cultures, languages, inclusiveness and building meaningful human connections across the globe.

Her energy comes from leading and working with senior leaders, teams and individuals, enabling them to thrive, unleash their potential and stay engaged with experiential learning, transformative growth programs, coaching and culture communication.

She has spent her 20+ year career working in a variety of communication areas, focusing in particular on culture and employee engagement and (more recently) on leadership development in a big multinational company. On top of her communication activities, she currently leads multi-language learning, growth and coaching programs for emerging leaders, to accelerate their transformative growth in international environments and retain top talents during moments of change.

She believes coaching and emotional intelligence are key to help leaders (and people in general) connect with other human beings in an authentic way and pursue a fulfilled balanced and ultimately happy life.






Chris Schembra is a philosopher, question asker and facilitator. He's a columnist at Rolling Stone magazine, USA Today calls him their "Gratitude Guru" and he's spent the last six years traveling around the world helping people connect in meaningful ways. As the offshoot of his #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling book, "Gratitude Through Hard Times: Finding Positive Benefits Through Our Darkest Hours,"he uses this podcast to blend ancient stoic philosophy and modern-day science to teach how the principles of gratitude can be used to help people get through their hard times.