*9.3 Makkos Daf 07 A (10 lines Dn)**Summary**Mishna:*A Sanhedrin that *killed once in seven years* is called a cruel Sanhedrin _(it wasn’t actually cruel, it was called cruel because Sanhedrin always searched for loopholes. However even when Sanhedrin let someone off on a technicality, he was either killed by the king, or Sanhedrin locked him in a room and “forgot” to feed him)._ *Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah:* A Sanhedrin that *killed once in seventy years.**Rabbi Akiva* and *Rabbi Tarfon:* Had we merited being in the Sanhedrin _(while they did live before the churban, Sanhedrin had stopped judging capital cases forty years before the churban),_ *no one would ever have been killed* _(they would have fulfilled the mitzvah of finding loopholes. However the murderers would have been handled in another way as mentioned above. See also: 9.6)._ *Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel: They would have increased murderers* in Israel _(chopping off a murderer’s head is the best deterrent)._ See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.