*8.6 Makkos Daf 06 B (8 lines Up)**Summary*In the mishna (8.3) *Rabbi Yosi* said that *the witnesses must give the _hasra’ah._**Rav Papa* commented to *Abayye: Isn’t Rabbi Yosi* of the opinion that we’re *not particular about the _hasra’ah;_* as we learn in a _mishna_ that “Rabbi Yosi says an *‘enemy’ does not need a _hasra’ah_* because his act is clearly premeditated and he is aware of the consequences.“?*Abayye: Rabbi Yosi bar Yehuda* (one of the later _tanna’im,_ in the generation of Rebbi) is the one who holds we are *not particular about _hasra’ah._* We learn this in a beraisa: *“Rabbi Yosi bar Yehuda* says that a *chaver* (a _lamdan_ ) *does not require _hasra’ah_* because he is considered forewarned “. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.