*7.6 Makkos Daf 05 B (2 lines Up)**Summary**Mishna:*Just as a testimony is invalidated when *one of two* witnesses is found to be a relative or a _passul_ ; it is invalidated even when *one of three* witnesses is found _passul_ . (Even though we have two valid witnesses).[There’s a question of what is the issue here; is it that there were _pessulim_ present at the time of the witnessing? This would be the source for the custom of _medakdekim_ that a _chosson_ singles out two witnesses at the _chuppah_ and tells them “Only you are my witnesses”. Or is the problem that a non-kosher witness testified in _beis din_ but the presence of a relative at a _chuppah_ (for instance) would not invalidate a testimony.].[Another question; can the two kosher ones return on a different date without their third partner and restate their testimony?].How do I know that this applies *even to one of a hundred?*The passuk says *_“Eidim”_* (this implies *even many* _eidim_ ).*Rabbi Yosi:* The rules set forth in this mishna apply *only to _dinei nefashos_ but in money matters, the testimony* of valid witnesses *is accepted* even after their partner’s testimony has been invalidated.*Rebbi:* The rules apply to any testimony.An additional witness can *only invalidate* the testimony if he indicates his willingness to *participate as a witness* by joining in in the _hasra’ah_ - warning the murderer. But if he did not participate, what can you do if two brothers happened to be present at a crime? See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.