*6.6 Makkos Daf 05 A (9 Lines Up)**Summary**Rava:* A & B testify that *C murdered D* on *_Sunday._* But E & F testify that A & B were with them on Sunday. Although E & F also testify that *C murdered D* on *Monday; A & B are considered _zoimemim_* and *receive the death penalty.**Moreover,* even if E & F testify that the murder took place on *_Friday,_ A & B still deserve the death penalty,* because C was not yet convicted.If however in addition to testifying that A & B were with them on Sunday, they also testify that *C was already convicted for murder* on *_Friday._* Or even if they claim he was convicted on *_Monday_ (before A & B testified* on Tuesday), A & B are *not put to death.**Knas:* The _din_ is that _modeh b’knas pattur_ - until one is sentenced, he can admit his crime and will be absolved for making any _knas_ payments.Thus the same rule of Rava applies to knas payments. If *A & B testify* that C stole, slaughtered and sold _*(geneivah + tevicha umechira*_ which carries a _knas_ penalty), they must *pay the penalty* when they’re _huzam_ by E & F, even if E & F also accuse C of the *_same actions on a different day._*If however, E & F testify that *C was sentenced* before A & B testified (on *_Tuesday_* ), A & B are not required to pay. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.