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Abayye: Rebbi, Rabbi Yoshiya, Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Shimon, Rabban Gamliel, Beis Shammai, Rabbi Eliezer and Acheirim all are of the opinion that a sukkah must be a diras keva.


Rabbi Shimon - Beraisa (4.6): Rabbi Shimon: A sukkah requires three proper walls.
We thus see that a sukkah must be somewhat like a house.

Rabban Gamliel - Beraisa: Rabban Gamliel: A sukkah on a wagon (which is moving and not stationary like a house) or a ship (which travels in very windy areas) is possul. Rabbi Akiva: It is kosher.

Beis Shammai - Mishna: If one’s head and most of his body is in the sukkah, while his table is in his house; Beis Shammai disqualify it while Beis Hillel permit it.

Rabbi Eliezer - Mishna: A sukkah made like a wigwam or a lean-to; Rabbi Eliezer disqualifies it since it does not have a roof. The Chachomim permit it.

Acheirim - Beraisa: Acheirim: A round sukkah is disqualified (because it looks like a dovecote not a house).

This is the end of Abayye’s statement, we do not follow all of these opinions, they’re merely quoted together here to emphasize their unifying underlying theme.