*5.5-Makkos Daf 04 B (6 lines up)**Make sure you don’t miss the last 40 seconds of today’s recording for special announcements from Rav Miller ztz”l**Summary**Hatzad Hashaveh* (the common denominator) is that _Motzi shem ra_ and _Hazamah_ are both _lav she’ein bo maaseh_ and they receive _malkos,_ we can thus learn that *any _lav she’ein bo maaseh_ is punished by _malkos._**Challenge:* We find that they do have a common exceptional characteristic; they are *both _knas!_**Resolution: Rabbi Yehuda disagrees* with Rabbi Akiva (3.1). He does not hold that _hazamah_ is _knas_ .*Challenge:* We find that they do have a common exceptional characteristic; they are *both _exceptionally strict_* _(tzad chamur)!_*Resolution: Rabbi Yehuda disagrees* with the concept of _tzad chamur._ See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.