*3.4-Makkos Daf 03 A (10 Lines Up)**Summary**Gemara:**How do we assess the kesubah?**Rav Chisda:* We look at the *husband’s equity.* _How much could he have sold it for?_*Rav Nosson bar Oshaya:* We look at the *wife’s equity,* and subtract that from the total sum mentioned in the _kesubah_ . _(This is the amount they wished to steal from the husband)._*Rav Papa: Agrees* that we look at the wife’s equity. He adds that we *only* assess the value of *the _kesubah_* , not any other financial issues the witnesses may have brought upon the husband by alleging that he had divorced his wife.(The witnesses can claim ignorance of any other financial assets that would be affected by a divorce).*Mishna:*Witnesses testified that *a debt is due in thirty days.* The plaintiff admits that he owes money but claims that it is not due until *ten years* .The penalty is assessed based on *how much one is willing to pay* to keep this sum for ten years as opposed to only thirty days.*Gemara:**Rav Yehuda amar Shmuel:* _Shevi’is_ nullifies a loan made over ten years.Although the debtor cannot press for payment ( _yigos_ ) during _shevi’is_ , *he will eventually press* for payment. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.