Today’s learning sponsored byAbraham and Sandra Getzel.For Brocho veHaztlocho to the whole chavura.Sponsor a day's learning (thousands of minutes!) for only $72 click here the schach is higher than 20 amos, the floor cannot be raised with pillows and mattresses.Even if he does bittul (he expressly states that he would like to leave the pillows there for seven days or more), the mattresses cannot be considered part of the floor, because it is an unusual thing to leave mattresses on the floor.If one places hay on the floor with bittul, raising the floor, the sukkah is kosher since it is no longer considered 20 amos high. This is certainly the law if he did the same with earth.If one places hay on the floor with the intention of leaving it there over yom tov, or he placed earth without any intention [stam]; It is a matter of debate between Rabbi Yosi and the Chachomim.Review:▪ Mattresses and pillows will never raise the floor.▪ Hay ‘stam’ will not raise the floor (since one might take from it to feed his animals).▪ Hay with intention of leaving it, is a matter of debate.▪ Hay with express bittul, will raise the floor.▪ Earth ‘stam’ is a matter of debate.▪ Earth with intention of leaving it, will raise the floor.▪ Earth with express bittul, will raise the floor. See for privacy and opt-out information.