*13.5 Makkos Daf 09 A (2 lines Up)*_*Suggestion:* Before listening to the recording take a minute and review yesterday’s gemara. It will help to lock it in in your mind, and today’s gemara will flow better!_*Summary**Rabbah:* One who *thinks his act is permissible (Avimelech, for instance) is considered a _meizid_ .**Abayye* asked Rabbah: The _possuk_ states that Avimelech said to Hashem in his dream “Will you kill *a righteous man?”.* It seems that since he didn’t know Sarah was married, he is considered a righteous man.*Response:* That was Avimelech’s statement but *Hashem did not agree,* as it states “Now return this married woman for she is the wife of a prophet”.What is the meaning of this verse? Is only a prophet’s wife forbidden to other men, *isn’t every married woman forbidden?* The explanation is as Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachmeini said:*Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachmeini* quoting *Rabbi Yonason:* Hashem said “Return this married woman, *regardless of who her husband is.* But with regard to your question ‘Will you kill a righteous man? He told me she’s his sister!’, *he only said that because he is a prophet* and he knows who you are.”*From your words, he learned* that you’re a villain! When a wayfarer comes to a town, he should be asked if he has where to eat and drink. Since you asked him inappropriate questions, he answered in kind.We learn from here that even a goy is *guilty for not learning _derech eretz,_* proper behavior. Avimelech was not held responsible or taking Sarah, but for his lack of learning proper behavior. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.