*12.5 Makkos Daf 08 B (4 lines after spreads)**Summary**Mishna:* A father goes into galus because of killing his son _[not during a mitzvah]._ A son goes into _galus_ because of his father.Anyone (including a ger or an eved) goes into galus for killing a Yisroel, and a Yisroel goes into galus for killing them, but not for killing a ger toshav.A ger toshav (only) goes into galus for killing a ger toshav _[this will be explained in the gemara. The Gra deletes the word “only” because a ger toshav also goes into galus for killing a Yisroel]._*Gemara:**Challenge:* Didn’t we learn (11.3) that a father doesn’t go into galus for killing his son? _[Our mishna seems to say that a father always *goes* into galus for killing his son]._*Resolution:* This mishna is referring to a son who is studying well and doesn’t deserve to be hit.*Challenge:* Didn’t we learn (12.1) that even a son who studies well should be hit?*Resolution:* This is a case where the father is teaching him carpentry, and he hits him for not studying well.*Challenge:* But it’s a mitzvah for a father to teach his son a livelihood.*Resolution:* He already learned some other parnassah. _[We see that just to hit a son is not a mitzvah, only whe, even if he’s doing well, it’s a mitzvah]._ See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.