*11.6 Makkos Daf 08 A (8 lines after spreads)**Summary*In our *beraisa* _u’matza_ refers to a head *that was already there.* In the second *_beraisa_* it refers to assets *that were not previously owned!**Rava: It depends on the context.* In the _possuk_ that the second _beraisa_ is based on, the words _v’hisiga yado - and finally he was able to afford it_ are written before _u’matza_ , so we understand that *it’s referring to assets that he did not have* previously.In our _beraisa_ the _possuk_ is discussing two people who were in the woods, so _u’matza_ means that *it was there previously just like the forest* was there from the beginning.Mishna (11.3), Abba Shaul: Just like chopping wood is not a _mitzvah;_ one only goes to _galus_ if he was not doing a _mitzvah._*One of the Rabbanan* said to *Rava: Perhaps he went to chop wood for a _mitzvah_* such as _sukkah_ or for the _mizbeach_ ?*Rava:* Since he can use pre-chopped wood, *the chopping is not a _mitzvah._* See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.