*11.2 Makkos Daf 08 A (4 lines Dn)**Summary**Rav Papa:* If one threw *a clod of earth* at a tree *which caused dates to fall* on someone and kill him; he is only chayav *according to Rebbi* , and not the Chachomim.*Challenge: Isn’t that obvious?**Resolution:* This case *seems dissimilar* to the question of our mishna, because *the dates are twice removed* from the energy of the thrower (‘koach kocho’), so *Rav Papa* is teaching that *the law is indeed the same.**Challenge:* What would be a case of *_‘koach kocho’_ according to Rebbi?**Resolution:* Where he *threw a clod* into the tree, and *struck a branch* , which *struck a cluster* of dates, *which caused dates to fall* and kill. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.