*10.3 Makkos Daf 07 B (11 lines Dn)**Summary**Beraisa:* The _passuk_ says *_“B’vli daas”_* ; this *excludes someone who killed with intention.**Question:* Someone who kills intentionally is *put to death* by Beis Din!*Rabbah:* It means someone who killed with intent, but his intended victim was *an animal*, and he ended up *killing a person _b’shogeig._* Or he intended to kill a goy and *killed a Jew _b’shogeig,_* or he *killed a healthy child _b’shogeig_* when his intention was to kill a *neifel.**Beraisa:* The _passuk_ says “If suddenly, without hatred, he shoved him, or he thrust upon him any vessel, without aiming [and he died]”. *‘If suddenly’ excludes someone who turned a corner* and bumped into another person violently and killed him. _(Either because turning a corner is very sudden and even more unexpected than a usual case of shogeig. Or because one should have been more careful when turning a corner)._*“Without hatred” excludes an enemy.**“He shoved him”* means that even though he shoved him *with his body,* it can still be considered _shogeig_*“He thrust upon him”* includes *a downward motion that is a preparation for an upward* motion.*“Without aiming” excludes someone who aimed* in one direction but it flew in another.*“And if he didn’t aim”* _(a different passuk)_ *excludes someone who intended to throw something over a short distance* and it flew over a longer distance.*“If he came to the forest with his fellow* [and he killed him while chopping wood]” _(a different passuk)_. A forest is used as an example of *a place where no one is trespassing. If however the dead man trespassed* on the killer’s property, he does not go into _galus_ (11.2). See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.