*1.6-Makkos Daf 02 A (2 Lines Up)*The first minute or so of today’s recording is a repeat from yesterday. This was done intentionally to aid in understanding today’s material.*Summary**Bar Pada, a logical proof:* A kohen who invalidates his seed, does not become invalidated himself (he is a kosher _kohen_ as soon as he divorces the forbidden wife). Certainly these witnesses who invalidated no one *(they merely intended to),* should not be invalidated for their intention alone.*Ravina* (of a later generation) *questions Bar Pada’s reasoning:* With this argument, *you nullify the entire system of _hazamah!_*Following your reasoning that an _intention_ is less severe than an _act_ : *If one killed another by stoning ( _sekilah_ ), he is not stoned,* but is executed as any murderer, by sword ( _sayif_ ).So *when _zoimemim_ intended to punish someone with _sekilah_* (by testifying that he worshipped _avodah zarah_ or was _mechallel shabbos_ ), *they certainly cannot be stoned* for the intention alone!However the law of _hazamah_ clearly states that they deserve _sekilah_ in such a case.We therefore *reject Bar Pada’s reasoning* and accept only the explanation of Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.