This is your chance to hear directly from the man who demonstrates 'Resilience' daily, Jeff is an inspiration to us all!  For most of us, it's a world of small inconveniences.  Traffic jams, Sore throats, Burnt toast, etc.  For JEFF STEINBERG, it's a world of major handicaps always.  But does he see himself as handicapped, unfortunate, to be pitied?  No, absolutely not! 

He calls himself a MASTERPIECE IN PROGRESS! Yet to see him, he looks like anything BUT a masterpiece. Born August 18, 1951, Jeff Steinberg faced life with little hope - no arms and badly deformed legs. 

He has shared his message with audiences around the United States and internationally, performing for churches, television, businesses, schools, conventions, fundraisers and hospitals. 

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (901) 754-5333
FAX: (866) 447-8632