In this episode of Stories of Hope in Hard Times, Tamara K. Anderson interviews Alma Ohene-Opare. Alma grew up wanting to reach his goals, but he knew he wouldn't achieve them in Ghana. So he set his sights on the American Dream.

In today's show Alma and I talk about:

• How discontent plus courage equal innovation and creation.
• Recognizing and reaching for your full potential.
• How all things work together for good to them that love God.
• Always look to the glory of your destination and set your own rhythm and pace.
• Compete with yourself and not others.
• Be willfully positive in everything you do.
• Choose courage over comfort.
• Freedom of speech for everyone and what true unity looks like.
• The choice to be "offended."
You can find Alma at or on social media under Alma Ohene-Opare.
The transcript for this podcast can be found at:
#storiesofhopeinhardtimespodcast #tamarakanderson #hope #podcast #courage #innovation #choice #americandream #courage #potential #positivity #freedomofspeech #comparison #God