Technology – it’s all around us. From our homes, to our cell phones and for many of us, where we work. Many of us are enthralled with new technology and make an effort to keep up with it, especially in our personal lives. Yet, the fire service, as much as we like new equipment, tools, etc., can often be reticent to accept and embrace new technology. It goes without saying that we should do our due diligence when examining a new product. At the same time, we also need to keep an open mind.

Jeff Dykes, a fire captain in Wisconsin, saw a need for a device that could provide a firefighter wearing an SCBA mask, with his/her situational awareness via the Cardinal Directions of North, South East and West. With that, the Northern Star Fire was born.

As you will hear in this podcast, Jeff has been working for the last three years on bringing the Northern Star Fire compass device to market. Placed inside the SCBA mask, the Northern Star Fire provides you with your cardinal direction in eight positions, even in the darkest, smoke-filled hallway or room. The device is so accurate, it has been used by Navy Seals, deep-sea pipeline divers and many others.

Tune in to learn more about the Northern Star Fire and learn how a device the approximate size off a U.S. quarter, might save your life!