It is the “buzz-word” of the fire service today - “Leadership.” With about 1.2 million firefighters in the U.S., there are probably about 1.2 million definitions of fire service leadership!

In this second podcast of our fifth season, I am joined by a well-educated and well-trained leader in the fire service, Lt. Jason Liska, aka “The Can Man,” who is also a dear friend and colleague, in more than just the fire service! Jason is often found instructing at both the Florida State Fire Academy or the Lake County Fire Academy and “leadership” is one of his favorite topics.

In our interview, Jason and I share what we have learned and taught regarding leadership; Jason in the fire service and me in the world of nonprofit. While seemingly polar opposites, they share a great deal. We focus on the “how” and “why” of leadership from both views – a firefighter looking to take on a leadership role and the firefighter who is already in a leadership position and how he/she works to find the next leader coming up. And we both share personal stories of several people who were our leaders.

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Photo (C) 2019 Florida State Firefighters Association - The Great Florida Fire School