What happens when a bunch of firefighters get together? They “shoot the sh*t” is what most would say, and the 2018 Great Florida Fire School is no different. Sponsored by the FSFA (Florida State Firefighters Association, the School provides an opportunity for firefighters from Florida and anywhere else in the country, to attend excellent classes taught by some of the best local and nation fire instructors.

“Tactics on Tap,” provides firefighters to come together with a panel of several of those instructors. Attendees can ask any question they may have about firefighting, from training to promotion and education to tactics. No question is turned down and the answers are as true as the sky is blue.

The discussion has been recorded as an episode of “5-Alarm Task Force.”

1. Adult language is used.
2. Due to audio problems with the mics, the volume of numerous participants was very low. We have reviewed and edited the audio to provide you with the best listening experience. However, there are frequent spots of unequal audio sections.