There are few greater issues facing not only the fire service today, but all manner of first responders. To address these important matters, I am proud to present four current or past chiefs, who share their own experiences and views.

Joining me is Chief Anthony Correia (ret.) Burlington Township NJ Fire Dept., Commissioner Jaren Renshaw, Western Berks Fire Dept., PA, Chief Brian Soller, Monticello NY Fire Dept. and Chief James Tornebene, TX.

As the roles and demands of our ever-changing society push and pull us in diverse directions, so have our abilities to be able to serve our communities, not only as first responders, but in serving those civic and religious organizations that we once devoted free time to. This ever stronger “push-pull” requires new ideas and approaches as we look to both increase and retain those who wish to serve their communities as members of career, volunteer or paid-on-call departments.

These four gentlemen share their experiences over their many years of service. They have seen this evolution of society, as well as the fire service over the past forty years and how our job descriptions and requirements have changed many times over. With that much change, we might also see confusion and high turnover in our departments. Each of these chiefs share with you the listener, what they have seen and/or done, within their own or neighboring communities.

Be ready to take notes! This is a podcast the likes of which we have never done before!