When we have one “cookin,” we know we’re going to need water and lots of it. In most cases, if you’re located in an urban or metro area, water will probably not be a problem, but perhaps pressure may. But, what if we could use less water and what we do use, would have a greater effect on our efforts to extinguish the blaze?

My two guests on this podcast, Quincy Emmons and Peter Sells, discuss their product which, they say, can actually accomplish the statement in the last sentence above – “…use less water and what we do use, would have a greater effect on our efforts to extinguish the blasé.” Their Toronto-based company is Fire Rein and their new product is “Eco-Gel.”

Both of these men are or were firefighters, Peter was even a District Chief for training. Together with their science team, they developed a product made entirely of food-grade bio products and approved by UL Laboratories and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Instead of me trying to tell you about the product here, you’re better off to tune in to the podcast either at www.dalmatianproductions.tv or your favorite podcast streaming service and hear what they have to say. I will add, that I would really like to receive your comments about this product. If you listen on our podcast host site at http://Bit.ly/5AlarmTFPodcast, you can leave a comment there. Otherwise, please send me an email at dalmatprod-at-outlook.com.