From its inception, our “Make Due” segments have focused on the fact that out of approximately 1.2 million firefighters in the U.S., approximately 80% of us are firefighters in suburban and/or rural areas. Unlike most cities, we do not roll-out on a call with two, three or even, four pieces of apparatus, each fully staffed! We are often lucky to have two or three personnel on that first apparatus that leaves the station. And too often, once on scene, that limited crew must “make due!”

With that in mind, this episode, co-hosted by my friends Capt. Nick Peppard and Sean Duffy, includes as guests, Chief Curt Isakson and Chief Shannon Stone, two leading experts on suburban or “county” fire tactics.

Our discussion covers training, preparation, tactics and of course, how to “make due,” with what you have. We often do not have the luxury of waiting for the second due piece or mutual aid. The scene before us needs to be mitigated and if there are only three of us, so be it! If you work in a suburban or rural area, this episode if for YOU!

Listen to our podcast here, on our website or on your favorite podcast platform!