It is all over the news! It has invaded our lives and everything we do! It is the Coronavirus. For well over a month, it has changed our entire perspective into our daily lives; what we do, where we go and who we can and cannot see. No one is more affected by this pandemic than our first responders, from our amazing dispatchers, to our firefighters, LEO’s, paramedics/EMT’s, doctors, nurses, road rangers and recovery operators. This podcast is for all you.

My guest, Todd LeDuc has been a member of the IAFC-SHS committee board of directors for 15 years. In most of his nearly 30 years with Broward County Fire-Rescue, he focus was and still is, on the health, wellness and fitness-for-duty of his firefighters. Today, as the Chief Strategy Officer for Lifescan Wellness Centers, he focus remains the same, just widened to all first responder agencies.

In this podcast, Todd talks about the pandemic, its cause and effects, and, what we can do in an effort to continue to fill our roles but avoiding contamination properly. We also discuss your off time. What you can do to “decompress” when you’re off-duty and to keep yourself in the best condition possible.

Stay Safe & Stay Well!

Photo Courtesy Brian McGowan