One of the first “adult” things we learn to do as children is to shrug off tasks assigned by our parents or maybe, an older sibling. Or, we may have actually learned that behavior from that same older sibling, when one of your parents asked that sibling to perform a certain task or run an errand and they moaned so much about it, that the parent just dropped the matter. That behavior may be all good and well in that situation, however, when we’re discussing firefighting health, wellness and fitness-for-duty, there are no excuses. And that is what this episode is all about.

You know if you are not in the best shape for being a firefighter, career or volunteer. You know that there are any number of ways, all very sensible and have your best interests in mind. Yet, you refuse to give up the one item on your “list,” that item that could set you down the right path to being healthy and fit-for-duty.

Returning guest. Aaron Zamzow is a firefighter with nearly 20 years under his belt. Additionally, he is a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor. In this podcast, Aaron will walk us through the one list that so many of us refuse to give up; we hang on to it for dear life, not realizing that by giving up that one list, you could transform yourself into a truly healthy and fit-for-duty firefighter. Which list am I referring to? Tune in to find out!

Find “5-Alarm Task Force” on our website, or on your favorite podcast platform. Stay Safe & Stay Well!