OK, let’s be honest. For many, this pandemic with lockdowns, quarantines, etc., gave folks a lot of home time. Sitting around, binge-watching on cable or satellite and eating. I don’t mean three squares a day, I’m talking about potato chips, tacos, ribs, candies, etc. You probably just stopped reading and dropped your chin on your chest! “How does HE know what I did?” you ask yourself. How? Because many of us did it and it is basic human nature.

Fear not – for our good friend from Fire-Rescue Fitness, Aaron Zamzow is back, and we talk about these very problems. More than that, Aaron provides numerous ways for you to get back into your best health and fitness-for duty. And you just might be surprised how easy many of his suggestions are!

Additionally, he has a great promotion going on now, together with the NFFF and you will find a link to that on Aaron’s profile page on our website, under the PODCAST tab on the home page. Additionally, he provides a peek at his annual contest which begins in January where there will be five cash prizes!

So, tune in on your favorite podcast platform or at http://Bit.ly/DalmatWeb and coming soon - http://Bit.ly/5-ATFC