There are instructors, local, regional and national conferences and you can learn tactics galore. But back in the late '60's and 70's, the late Chief Alan Brunacini helped to change our way of thinking on the fireground, especially for those who command those firegrounds. 

His first book, "Fire Command" taught us better ways of serving in that command function. Years later, a number of those lessons are not only still valid but have become the basis for the "B-Shifter Blue Card." 

Heading up the B-Shifter team is Chief John Vance, Nic Brunacini and Josh Blum. Whether it's at the Alan V. Brunacini Command Training Center or in your department's classroom, rec room, etc., you can now learn the importance and value of the Blue Card System. 

Joining us today are Nic Brunacini and Josh Blum and we discuss some of the important information regarding MAYDAYS and the value of necessary and concise radio traffic.