“We’re firefighters!” “We’re cops!” “We’re EMS!” 

These are the three main branches of Public Safety. And often times when the public sees or hears about us, they “think” we wear capes! However, nothing could be further from the truth. No, we don’t worry about kryptonite, the Joker or “Dr. Evil.” But we do care about you…sometimes more than we do ourselves. As First Responders, we are well aware of the dangers, tragedy, and horror we often face. Yet, these experiences do not make us any less human. We still wince with pain, cry at old movies, suffer physical pain and often live with some terrible memories. And that is often, not easy to do.

Our guest today is Chief Paul V. Jockimo, considered one of the leading experts on CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management), also know as Peer Support. For over 30 years, Chief Jockimo has helped member of both Public Safety and our Military, dealing with incident stress. He counseled after the Worcester Cold Storage Fire, 9|11, Oklahoma City, and many other tragedies. 

In this episode, the Chief shares his definitions and visions of Peer Support and its absolute necessity and importance in Public Safety. While First Responders often “wear” an outer coat of invincibility, we still hurt “on the inside,” even if we refuse to show it on the outside. If you have been a First Responder for even a year or two, or more, you have probably had a least one very serious and tragic incident. Remember, you are NOT alone!


Please remember, we need your help to allow us to assist our Brothers and Sisters in dire straits. Please visit our website, https://www.5-alarmtaskforcecorp.org and look for the photo of the “Q,” to make your donation.